Wednesday, April 29, 2015

How to repair a pond leak with existing pond liners

Pond liners play an important role to save the ponds
Leaky pond is a continuous headache for pond owner and reason of just frustration until; it is cured with surety of years. Because no one wants to do it again and again so always need to have permanent solution. Pond liners play an important role to save the ponds but it’s conditional. If you use Pond liners from a reputable company then it will be long lasting in results and if you have chosen by mistake any common temporary pond liner, then you will have to phase the music. They work for little period and then again pond gets leak. If you are in the situation then you have to do some cautions

For pond liners leak, commonly there's some reason behind

Check all the reason that why it’s started to leak and make it cure to run the lie in your pond.   If the first liner was put in while not a protecting carpet pad, this will lead to premature failure. Lake liner carpet pad may be a fibrous material with a texture the same as felt. Once you resolve the explanation behind the puncture, install carpet pad material before putt down the new liner.

Replacing the liner on ponds with fish wants extra

As you want to keep the fish elsewhere quickly. Like large aquariums fill an oversized plastic trashcan with water from the present pond and outfit, it with a tank apparatus. Fish survival time during this set-up offers enough time to exchange the liner. Keep aquatic plants there also. Take away all pumps, lighting and alternative instruments safely and displayed them after having new liner or repaired liner.

 In fact the water and a secure temporary place for our fish additionally involves removing all the encompassing plants, slate, decorations etc. After the pond liners removal, you may be ready to change.  Make it sure that in the course of the months the liner doesn't "settle" and therefore begin go lean inflicting water to leak.

Why it’s needed to repair the pond liners?

When the pond liners do not hold water, it means that it needs repair. Find the leak and cure it instantly better to use EPDM pond liners to get long lasting results. But before it takes out all the accessories, drain the water, so the exact level of the leak must be find out.
If the existing pond liner no longer holds the water, you can usually repair it if you can determine the location of the leak. Hard to spot is small leak, 8 inches of water must be removed before attempting to make the repair. Cure after finding and enjoy again the ponds beauty. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

PondPro2000 as one coat application

Time to improve your water garden 

Spring comes with color of life and spreads fragrance of its flowers everywhere. In different places one thing is very common that every one becomes internally happy, and this lovely season fascinates every one. Once the season begins to change and also the temperature start to increase. It’s the time to improve your water garden. The first thing is to notice the pond and liner. See if it needs repair, or a replacement or enhancement.

EPDM Pond liners for seasonal protection of ponds

No matter how big problem your pond have, just remember that Pond liner for seasonal water garden and pond protection. That carries a complete vacuums help keep your pond functioning properly all year. EPDM Pond Liners are best for protection because they are easy to manage, light to pocket and work with longevity .In that case, if you have installed any other liner; they are still useful for you.

How! Let’s see

Many persons experienced a pond leak trouble

 Many persons experienced a pond leak trouble with EPDM pond liners. With safety of fish and plants they fulfill the large task of maintenance too. Like ancient pre-formed liners they will not break down. EPDM pond liners are to keep water clean and a better technique to utilize to seal pond. The effective aquatic products are being introduced in the shape of EPDM pond liners

The extra ordinary quality of EPDM pond liners

 The extra ordinary quality what they have is that they seal pond liner too beside to carry the water within the pond. Necessary functions of EPDM pond liners that facilitate are to seal the liners leak only with one coat. Their one coat is hundred percent better than tape which is sticky from both sides and do some extra work of sticking many things with liner when curing leaks and better than patches that leave the leak as it is, but join the liner from some other where. EPDM pond liners result is actually their distinction and uniqueness.    

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Material Comparison to waterproof ponds; EPDM vs. Polyurea

What is Polyurea

Polyurea/polyaspartic floor coatings is a type of one garage flooring option that has produced a new way for the business in  some years  back for ponds.  It has become the majority favorite for as an exchange to epoxy .Some confusion has created for pond owners.  This coating is publicized that it has, the quick solidification ability.

This technique is being popular

This technique is being popular but let’s has a critical view, it really works or not. It is said ,that everything a coating can do is found in it. Why it is on only garage floor?  Several garage flooring corporations’ are approaching this new product.Its confusion regarding polyurea and polyaspartic floor coatings is making it doubted too.

What are its advantages? 

It is commonly used for spray-on bed liners, extremely fast cure rate (within5 seconds becomes hard in 5 minutes), most polyureas. Its fastest cure is its advantage. It is not expensive but not cheap also. It cannot be removed easily and sustains long. But can it be compared with Pond liners?

What are its disadvantages?

Other than price, it has downsides compared to different Pond liners. On slippery surface does not work properly. It is not resistant against corrosives or acids. Such sources in basement, Battery acids and beer/wine, liquids which can be reason of fire it is cache for them and causes of residential damage.  It is not removable completely. It is not a DIY methodology and required special equipments to be applied. It is dangerous near gas appliances and heaters throughout application.

What are the advantages of Pond Liners?
It has nearly no disadvantages. If we talk about Pond pro Pond liners they are easy to apply. The cure time of EPDM Pond liners Product Specs is little more but their adhesiveness prolongs for years. They are weather, fire and UV resistant and nearly applied on mostly surfaces without any problem. No danger exists with EPDM Pond liners and Pond liners are helpful even in freezing temperature.  As DIY product they are easiest to apply and don’t need special equipment. They are simply matchless.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How to remove an existing epdm pond liner?

Replacing of Pond liner 

After a limited time Pond liners lose their adhesion and they have to be replaced. The first thing to be considered is good quality of liner .That you don’t have to replace it early the second thing is proper removal of Pond liner technically so that after it when you apply new EPDM pond liners it must be in accurate position and results. 

Motive to replace the previous liner

If the liner is going to be replaced because of a puncture or may be useless from pointy object within the soil below the liner, first verify the reason behind the puncture and take away it. If the liner had put without a protecting pad, it might be the reason of premature failure. 

Variety of Liners

Variety of versatile liner is in front of you in the market. Obviously, you would prefer better one. PVC pond liners have versatile material but they' are water down and weaken .They don't work as long as EPDM pond liners do. They have to fully line with soil. RPE liners can be strongest possibility; however they lack the flexibility of the others and are expensive. Other available liner have got different kind of problems some are rigid in their kind, shapes and fold, remaining choice is EPDM pond liners Product Specs .

EPDM pond liners
3 times longer EPDM pond liners are manufactured 100% liquid EPDM.Their extremely well work on all non-porous concrete fountains as well as EPDM fish ponds liners has given them a distinctive standard. EPDM pond liners have overall flexibility and sturdiness.

Remove all the things to install the liner

If you have fish then quickly remove them from pond with safety and keep them at any other safe place. Remember that ponds with fish need additional designing to replace the liner. Keep aquatic plants safe as well where they could not lose their life .You can have a tiny pool in some pot to let them live. Get all the pumps, instrumentation and decoration things out of the pond and make it empty. One factor you always take away all the things, it adds a layer of protection for the new liner. Nothing must be left except soil and then start to anchor the liner underneath soil or rocks. Use EPDM pond liners to be saved for years from liner changing or repair. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How to DIY fix your pond leaks?

Finding pond leaks

It is not a pleasant work at all. Pond owners hat it most but compelled to do it for having fresh pond.
A long process of finding a leak can be irritating too and demands patience. Accurate notes can give you help to the reasons of troubleshooting and right conclusions. After case study troubleshooting these problems can be solved.

The most difficult, step in fixing a leak in a pond is to find the leak. To do the finding of leak efficiently these steps can make the situation better. EPDM Pond Liners have made it very easy for everyone to fix the pond leaks. 

After finding the reason, go ahead towards repair        

 Remove rocks around check for some sort of puncture, or hole in the liner. You simply patch it with a liner patch kit now you need to narrow it down. Inspect your plumbing, particularly at any joints; make sure there is no leakage here. Inspect your waterfall and stream for leaks so that you have an idea of where to look closer for the source of the leak. Why and where the problem has risen. If just liner was displaced or leak then repair it with EPDM Pond Liners and if your pond need repair or new liner then again EPDM Pond Liners are your friend. Apply one of them and be relaxed for years that your pond is in safe hands of Liquid Form EPDM Pond Liners.

 Advantage of EPDM Pond Liners
If you are DIY type person then you will enjoy the process to mix the product and make it apply and waiting for dry, it does not take too much time like others and give marvelous results for long time. First it does not take extra labor it is one coat application means you would not have to make yourself tired and your work will be finished before your excitement of DIY  vanish. It is cost effective too. 

Easiest way of applying EPDM Pond Liners

Two-component product consisting of a catalyst EPDM Pond Liners begins the drying process after applying. After mix the products together 4 hour timer period to use the material. Use a drill mixer and simply need to apply one coat of the PondPro2000 with brush or roller at pond or liner. Within 24 hours the material will start on to set up. The product of EPDM Pond Liners is waterproof right after applying. Simply wait for the water to evaporate to continue for the drying process. It will not lose adhesion till years. Mean leak free pond is for decades.